Duplicate Account Consolidation

Duplicate Account Consolidation

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for consolidating accounts when a customer has 2 or more accounts in Advantage.

Once accounts are consolidated, there is no 'undo' option. It is very important to be sure the correct accounts are selected to be consolidated.

How to Consolidate Duplicate Accounts

  1. Note that this is not available from all Ribbons.

  2. If available, it’s under the Customers or Customer Service tab on the ribbon, navigate to Duplicate Sets

  3. Select the Add Icon

  4. The Duplicate Customer Set Element Maintenance dialog box will appear. Complete the following:

Duplicate Set Number

Enter the Duplicate Set number.

Duplicate Set numbers are assigned by affiliate. If you are unsure of what to use, contact support.

Survivor Precedence Sequence

Enter 1 as the sequence number.

Customer Number

Enter the Customer Number for the main 'surviving' account. This will be the account number that the customer will keep.

4. Verify the Customer Information to be sure it’s the correct Customer Number.

5. Click OK

6. Another Duplicate Customer Set Element Maintenance dialog box will appear for Sequence 2. Enter the Customer Number for the account number you wish to consolidate into the main account at sequence 1.

7. Verify the Customer Information to be sure it’s the correct Customer Number.

8. Click OK

9. Another Duplicate Customer Set Element Maintenance dialog box will appear for Sequence 3 where you can add an additional customer to be consolidated into the main account from sequence 1. This can be repeated for as many accounts that you require consolidated into the main account. Once you have added all the customers' accounts that you need click Cancel.

  1. To complete the consolidation of the Duplicate Customer Set. In the top list frame find and highlight the duplicate set that you just added and click on the icon for ‘Consolidate Duplicate Customer Set’

Wrap up

You should now be able to consolidate duplicate customer accounts in Advantage.

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