Customer Credit Statuses by Affiliate (ARPCSA)

Customer Credit Statuses by Affiliate (ARPCSA)

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to change a customer’s credit status. This process is used for Block Request tickets.

3 min read

This is a client specific screen that allows the businesses to set a credit status for that specific Affiliate. 

If the Credit Status Type is 'blank" (like below) that means the customers activity is normal within Advantage.

Customer Credit Status by Affiliate Maintenance Dialog Box





Affiliate Code*

This identifies a group of offices within a company.

Agency Status

This indicates whether this customer has been or needs to be assigned to an agency.

Collection Agency

This identifies the collection agency to which this customer has been assigned.

Credit Status*

Value that indicates the credit level the customer falls into

Customer Number*

The 12 digit number which identifies the customer or account.

*Required fields

Affiliate Codes - Only use there ten codes

Credit Statuses

The highlighted values in yellow are to only be used by EPP.





Credit Status

Value that indicates the credit level the customer falls into

Credit Description

Credit status long description

Credit Status Type

The value/category which is used to describe the credit status of the customer.

Adding a Customer

Select the Add Icon  

Fill out the Customer Credit Status by Affiliate Maintenance dialog box

Customer Number*

Affiliate Code*

Credit Status*

Then Select OK

Changing a Customer

Select the Pencil Icon  

Change the desire values in the Customer Credit Status by Affiliate Maintenance dialog box

Credit Status

Collection Agency (if applicable)

Then Select OK

Deleting a Customer

Select the Delete Icon  

Then Select OK on the next dialog box

Wrap up

You should now know how to change a customer’s credit status.

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