Adjust Days for an Agreement

Adjust Days for an Agreement

This article will show you how to adjust the days for a customer agreement in Advantage. The adjustment days field gives the ability to increase or decrease the amount of time the customer has to access the AMB Service, in days.

2 min read

How To Adjust Days for Agreement

  1. From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Activity

  2. Select the agreement you want to update

  3. Click Add Version (this option is available by right-clicking, the plus sign or the ellipsis icon)

  4. The Access Agreement Entry dialog box will appear, complete the following fields:

Adjustment Days

Enter the number of days to adjust the agreement.  If decreasing the amount of time, enter with - first, for example -10 to remove 10 days.

Takes Effect On

This needs to be set to the Agreement Start Date.

5. Click Finish

Wrap up

You should now know how to adjust the days for a customer agreement in Advantage.

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