Close a Note
Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for closing a note from the Note Activity screen in Advantage.
How to Close a Note
From the Customer Search Screen, navigate to the Advanced tab and click Note Activity to open the NAC screen
On the Note Activity screen highlight the text in the notes section.
Delete all the text in the note section. For example the customer’s request and any comments that have been added by other team members along the way.
Failure to remove these notes will cause the notes to be extremely long and cluttered.
4. Enter note details describing action(s) taken on the customers account in the section you just deleted the text from.
5. Next to Follow Up User click the Calendar Icon to enter the date.
The Calendar Icon should only be selected next to the Follow Up User. Otherwise this will disrupt reporting.
6. Click OK
7. The next note from the queue will be loaded.