Adding a New Vendor

Adding a New Vendor

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to add a new vendor.

How to add a new vendor

Example ticket: BIST-8296

SQL Change Request ticket: GENSCM-5812

  • When we get a request to add a new vendor first search [SPAMUS2].[Webdata].[dbo].[Zambezi_Valid_Vendor_Inclusion] to make sure it doesn't already exist.

  • If it does not, submit the following query via the SQL Change Request form

Insert into [SPAMUS2].[Webdata].[dbo].[Zambezi_Valid_Vendor_Inclusion] values('[Vendor]', 1, getDate(), 'AGORA\[User]')

Wrap up

You should now know how to add a new vendor.

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