ADV FAQs Add a Product Choice

ADV FAQs Add a Product Choice

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to add product choice in Advantage.

Product choices are used to manage the various rates and shipping charges associated with a product using the PRO module of Advantage.  Use these instructions to create a product choice in Advantage. If the choice is for automatic delivery with the product, go here.

How to Create a Product Choice

  1. From the Marketing Ribbon, click Products

  2. Click the Add Icon

  3. The Item Choice Maintenance box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Timing between billing charges is not to exceed 1 year between charges. This includes, but is not limited automatic renewal or installments.  For example, if offering a 2 year option for a subscription or agreement, this option cannot be offered with a renewal flag of ‘C’ on automatic renew as the timing of between charges would be over 1 year.

Item Number*

Enter the codes associated with the product.  

Item Choice*

Enter the code assigned to the price choice for the product.


Indicate the price and delivery method.

Valid Until*

Indicate how long this choice will be valid for a customer to select. Should be set for a future date.

Premium Set

Indicate an additional premium set that the customer would receive when selecting this specific choice.

Attaching a premium at the choice and at the promotion offer will result in the customer qualifying for a premium twice. Be sure to attach to just one - either the choice or the promotion offer.

Credit Policy Code

Enter the refund policy for this choice.

A credit policy entered on the choice level will always override the credit policy on the Promotion Offer.

4. Click Next

5. Click the Add Icon

6. The Item Choice Price Maintenance box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Billing Currency

Enter the currency of the country used to charge the customer.

Takes Effect On*

Enter the date this should take effect on.

Effective Quantity

Enter the number of individual items being sent.

Unit Price

Enter the price for each item.

Requested Ship Via

Indicate to the fulfillment team how the item will be shipped.

Postage Amount

Enter an amount here if additional postage will be charged.

Postage Override?

Check off this option if the Customer Service team to should be able to modify the postage amount when handling customer calls.

7. Click OK

8. If there are different prices based on the quantity ordered, repeat steps 5-7.

9. Click OK

Wrap up

You should now know how to add product choice in Advantage.

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