ADV FAQs Add a Conference Choice

ADV FAQs Add a Conference Choice

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a conference choice in Advantage.

Conference choices are used to manage the various rates associated with a conference or event using the CEM module of Advantage. 

How to Create a Conference Choice

  1. From the Marketing Ribbon, click Conferences

  2. Click the Add Icon

  3. The Conference Choice Maintenance box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Timing between billing charges is not to exceed 1 year between charges. This includes, but is not limited automatic renewal or installments.  For example, if offering a 2 year option for a subscription or agreement, this option cannot be offered with a renewal flag of ‘C’ on automatic renew as the timing of between charges would be over 1 year.

Conference ID*

Enter the item number associated with the conference.

Conference Choice*

Enter a conference choice

Choice Description*

Enter in a choice description.

Valid Until*

Enter the date that you would like the item choice to expire.


 Select the location to associate with the choice from the drop down.

Bill by:*

 Select Registration

Premium Set

Indicate an additional premium set that the customer would receive when selecting this specific choice.

Attaching a premium at the choice and at the promotion offer could result in the customer qualifying for a premium twice. Be sure to attach to just one - either the choice or the promotion offer.

4. Click Next

5. Click the Add Icon

6. The Conference Choice Session Maintenance box will appear. Complete the following fields:


Select the session from the drop down menu.

Billing Currency*

Select the currency.

Conference Rate Code*

Select the price code from the drop down menu.

Session Quantity

 Enter 1

7. Click OK

8. Click OK

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