ADV FAQs Credit Policies

ADV FAQs Credit Policies

This is a review of the Credit Policies in Advantage. Credit Policies are used to define the refund rules that will be applied when a customer cancels a subscription, product, or service. Credit Policies are used across affiliates and promotions. Many credit policies already exist.  Search all credit policies before creating a new one. Click Credit Policies in the Marketing Ribbon to navigate to the Credit Policies screen.

4 min read

Credit policies should NEVER be changed. Credit policies are shared amongst all affiliates. Changing a credit policy will cause customer refunds to be miscalculated.

Table of contents

Credit Policies Screen

These are the recommended customized columns for this screen.  There are more columns available.

Local Currency

Displays the local currency.

Credit Policy Code

Displays the code that will define the Credit Policy.

Credit Policy Description

Describes the credit policy rules.

Cancel Prorate Term

 Displays the term length that should be used to re-evaluate cancellations.

Credit Policy Maintenance

Credit Policy Code

Enter a code that will define the Credit Policy. This code can contain up to 8 characters.


Describes the credit policy rules.

Local Currency

Defines the billing currency the credit policy is to be used with.

Subscription Cancellations

Use PUB system option to determine credit

For credit policies associated with subscriptions, this should be unchecked and defined with fields below. For Product Returns and AMB Cancellations, this box can be checked to avoid having to fill in other unnecessary fields.

Partial Credit after

The customer is entitled to a partial refund after a set number of days.

No Credit after

The customer is NOT entitled to a refund after this set number of days has passed.

If a refund should always be given, enter 999.

Binding Issues

The feature works from the promotion credit policy, and can be used to prevent the customer from canceling during the first x number of issues of the subscription period.

The feature only relates to CIR subscriptions. You define the period by a number of issues. This is the total number of issues the customer must take.

Charge for Issues Served

Determines whether to charge for issues served during a subscription cancellation. This will be:

N - No Charge

P - Charge if Any Payment

U - Charge if Unpaid

Cancel Prorate Term

Enter the term length that should be used to re-evaluate cancellations.

No Calculation Fee

Select if there is no cancellation fee.

Flat Fee Amount

Select if there is a flat cancellation fee to be collected.

Percent of Cancellation Credit

Select if there is a percentage of the order total to be collected as a cancellation fee.

Product Returns

Don't credit shipping charges after ____ days

Limits the amount of time allowed for a refund of shipping fees to be issues to the customer.

Use Customer Type table to control merchandise credit?

Select if NO restocking fee should be charged.

____ restocking fee after ____ days. 

Set a restocking fee for any returned merchandise which will reduce the amount of the refund issued to the customer.

(F)ee per Unit or (P)ercent of sales.

Determines whether the restocking fee entered previously is a free per unit or a percent of sales.

Reserve Credit Rule

Not used.

AMB Cancellations

Partial Credit after

The customer is entitled to a partial refund after a set number of days.

No Credit after

The customer is NOT entitled to a refund after this set number of days has passed.

No Calculation Fee

Select if there is no cancellation fee.

Flat Fee Amount

Select if there is a flat cancellation fee to be collected.

Percent of Cancellation Credit

Select if there is a percentage of the order total to be collected as a cancellation fee.

Wrap up

You should now have a better understanding of Credit Policies in Advantage.

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