ADV FAQs Unsubscribe from Multiple E-Letter Subscriptions
Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to unsubscribe a customer from several e-letter subscriptions at one in Advantage.
How to Unsubscribe from Multiple Free E-Letters
From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Free eLetters
Search and select the E-Letter Subscription by customer number or email address. Use the ctrl key to select multiple subscriptions at once.
Select the Change List Email Status Icon
The Change Status dialog box will appear, change the status code from A to I
Click OK
If there is a mailing in progress, the customer may still receive the email. It is recommended to advise the customer it may take up to 24 hours to be removed. Customers can also use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email they receive to remove themselves from the list.
Wrap up
You should now know how to unsubscribe a customer from several e-letter subscriptions at one in Advantage.