ADV FAQs Permanently Unsubscribe from E-Letter
Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to permanently unsubscribe a customer from an eletter in Advantage.
Use these instructions when a customer would like to never be able to resubscribe to an e-letter. Â When a customer is in status I, B or S for Inactive, if they resubscribe to the list - either by making a purchase or signing up through a link on a website - their status will be set back to A. Â Once their status is set to X, they can no longer sign up to the list unless contacting customer service directly.
This should be used only in cases where a customer is irate and specifically requests to not ever receive emails from a list.  For general unsubscribe requests, go here.
How to Permanently Unsubscribe from a Free E-Letter
From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Free eLetters
Search and select the E-Letter Subscription by customer number or email address
Select the Change List Email Status Icon
The Change Status dialog box will appear, change the status code to X
Click OK