Add a Credit Policy for a Product Order

Add a Credit Policy for a Product Order

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a new credit policy for a product order in Advantage.  A credit policy is the guarantee, or refund, policy associated with an offer or choice.

Credit policies are shared, therefore if there is a variation on an existing credit policy, always add a new credit policy.

How to Add a Product Order Credit Policy

  1. From the Marketing Ribbon, click Credit Policies

  2. Click the Add Icon

  3. The Credit Policy Maintenance dialog box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Credit Policy Code*

Enter a code to identify the credit policy.


Add more detail about the policy. 

Local Currency*

Enter the currency used to charge the customer. For domestic affiliates, enter US$.

Subscription Cancellations

Check the box for Use PUB system option to determine credit.

4. Click Next

5. In the Product Returns tab, complete the following fields:

Don't credit shipping charges after ____ days* 

Enter number of days customer has to get a credit for shipping. If the customer always gets credit for shipping, enter 999.

Allow overide after n days

Check this box is Customer Services can over-ride shipping charges set above.

Merchandise Credit

Enter number of days and fee for full credit. For example, if the customer receives a full refund for 30 days, then no refund, enter 0,00 restocking fee after 1 days P, 100 restocking fee after 31 days P.

6. Click Next

7. In the AMB Cancellations tab, complete the following fields:

Partial Credit after ___ days*

Enter 1 day.

No Credit after ___ days*

Enter 999 days.

8. Click OK

Wrap up

You should now know how to create a new credit policy for a product order in Advantage.

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