Add a Credit Policy for an AMB Item

Add a Credit Policy for an AMB Item

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a new credit policy in Advantage.  A credit policy is the guarantee, or refund, policy associated with an offer or choice.  These instructions are for creating a credit policy for any type of item, for specific instructions on creating one for subscriptions, go here.  For product orders, go here.

Credit policies are shared, therefore if it has a variation on an existing credit policy, add a new credit policy.

How to Add a Credit Policy for an AMB Item

  1. From the Marketing Ribbon, click Credit Policies

  2. Click the Add Icon

  3. The Credit Policy Maintenance dialog box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Credit Policy Code*

Enter a code to identify the credit policy.


Add more detail about the policy. 

Local Currency*

Enter the currency used to charge the customer. For domestic affiliates, enter US$.

4. Click Next

5. In the Subscription Cancellations tab, complete the following fields:

Use PUB system option to determine credit

Check this box for Use PUB system option to determine credit

Partial Credit after

Enter the amount of days the customer has to get a full refund. After this date the customer will receive a partial refund for number of issues to go when the subscription is cancelled.

No Credit after

Enter the amount of days the customer has to get a partial refund. After this date the customer will receive no refund for a cancellation.

Cancellation Fee*

Select No Cancellation Fee if there is no fee for cancelling.

Select Flat Fee Amount to withhold a specific amount.

Select Percent of Cancellation Credit to withhold a percentage of their refund.

6. Click Next

7. In the Product Returns tab, complete the following fields:

Don't credit shipping charges after ____ days* 

Enter 1 day.

Merchandise Credit

Check the box for Use Customer Type table to control merchandise credit?

8. Click Next

9. In the Product Returns tab, complete the following fields:

Partial Credit after ___ days*

Enter 1 day. 

No Credit after ___ days*

Enter 999 days.

Cancellation Fee

Based on credit policy code.

10. Click OK

Wrap up

You should now know how to create a new credit policy in Advantage.

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