Add a Campaign Code

Add a Campaign Code

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a campaign code in Advantage.

How to Add a Campaign Code

  1. From the Marketing Ribbon, click Campaigns 

  1. Click the Add Icon

  2. The Campaign Maintenance dialog box will appear. Complete the following fields: 

Campaign Code*

Complete all 4 fields of the campaign code as instructed below.

First field*

Select the outlet type from the dropdown menu.

Second Field*

Enter the publication code or owning org of the item being sold.

Third Field*

Enter the year+month. Example: S6 (2016 June)

Fourth Field*

Enter the unique identifier for the campaign code. Example: A (first mailing of the month)


Enter a description describing what the campaign is for.


Enter the first initial and last name of the person who created this campaign code.

Initiation Date*

Enter the date that this campaign will be initiated.

Local Currency*

Enter the currency in which all cost and sales amounts are tracked for promotions under this campaign. Typically US$ for domestic offers.

4. Click OK

Wrap up

You should now know how to create a campaign code in Advantage.

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