Resending an Email
Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for resending an email that was originally sent from Advantage.
These instructions only apply to resending an email that was generated by an agent from a NAC related contact. This does not apply to other emails generated by Advantage automatically either through a workflow related event or Order Email.
How to Resend an Email
From the Customer Search screen click Notes
Click the Inquire Icon
Click on the Note Letters tab
Select Mark Note Letter Unsent (this option is available by right-click)
Select Send Note Letter (this option is available by right-click)
The Send Response dialog box will appear. Under the Communication Method, ensure E-mail is selected
The Outbound Email Address and Email Address will default based on the letter, folder and customer. Ensure these are correct, adjust if needed.
If the drop-down is selected the outbound email can be chosen from a list. This now includes the new alias column to help figure out which email address is best to use as shown below.
8. Click Print/Send
9. The Letter Review dialog box will appear. To make any adjustments to the letter, click Change. Otherwise, click OK.
10. A dialog box will appear to confirm the email has been sent. Click Acknowledge.
11. Click Close
Some letters may have additional questions you are prompted to answer. This is based on the information contained within the body of the letter. Also, emails are sent in real time, once the box comes up in the last step to acknowledge, the email has been sent to the customer.
Wrap up
You should now be able to resend an email to a customer that was originally sent from Advantage.
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