Add a Secondary Address

Add a Secondary Address

Use these instructions when adding a secondary address to a customer's account.  Typically used for bill-to ship-to type orders for the same customer where the customer will have one primary address and a secondary address such as a work address vs home address.  

3 min read

How to Add a Secondary Address to an Account

  1. From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Search

  2. Search for the customer that you want to add the address to and click the Edit Icon

  3. Click the Customer Addresses Tab

  4. Click the Add Icon

  5. The Customer Address Maintenance page will appear. Complete the following fields:


Enter the name of the customer


Enter the Address of the customer

Email Address

Enter the Email Address of the customer


Email address is not required, however it is a general rule to collect the customer's email address as many items are delivered via email. If the customer does not want to provide an email address, the Preferred Communication must be changed from E to M.

Address Code

Select ADDR-02 as the Address Code, or the next address in sequence

6. Enter other fields as applicable and click Continue


Address Standardization

After adding the secondary address, the address standardization screen may pop-up for US and Canadian customers.  This screen standardizes the address you entered into a USPS format (e.g., change Street to ST or move the apartment number to be on the same line as the street address). For international customers, make sure to enter the information exactly as it should appear on the mailing label.

You have the option of accepting the standardized version, keep it as entered, or re-standardize. Typically, you would choose to accept the standardized version. If the standardized address is very different than the one you entered, confirm the correct address with the customer. 


Potential Duplicate Customer

After adding the new customer (or new address), the address standardization screen may pop-up for US and Canadian customers.  This screen standardizes the address you entered into a USPS format (e.g., change Street to ST or move the apartment number to be on the same line as the street address). For international customers, make sure to enter the information exactly as it should appear on the mailing label.

You have the option of accepting the standardized version, keep it as entered, or re-standardize. Typically, you would choose to accept the standardized version. If the standardized address is very different than the one you entered, confirm the correct address with the customer.  

Wrap up

You should now know how to add a secondary address to an Advantage account.

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