Creating an External Contract with Email Forwards

Creating an External Contract with Email Forwards

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create an external contact with email forwarding.

This must be done using Internet Explorer. There are options that for a contact that only appear within IE. Don’t forget to enter the date, ticket#, and initials in the notes of contact information.



How to create an external contact with email forwarding

  1. In the On-Prem EAC (https;//owa.agora-inc.com/ecp/) select “contacts”, then click on the “+” symbol, select “Mail Contact.” 


  2. Fill in the requested fields. Place the contact in the “Contacts” OU. Save.


  3. Search the contact you just created and double-click to open. Navigate to the “email options” tab, click the “+” and then enter the forward address information. Save.


NOTE: Agora must own these domains, and they all must be configured correctly. If a domain is unavailable, it may need to be setup. Reach out to Darren Narango and Shawn McClenahan for assistance.


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