IRIS Create a Custom Field

IRIS Create a Custom Field

Use the instructions below to create a custom field. 

How to Create a Custom Field

  1. Hover over  and select  to navigate to the listing of Custom Fields.  

  2. Click the 'Create' text near the upper-left corner of the listing page. 

  3. The Create Custom Field page will appear, complete the following fields:

    NameProvide a name for the custom field

    Select where the custom field should appear

    For example, removing 'Apply to' from a custom field that has already been used on an entity, then saving, removes the custom field and its values from that entity. Re-checking the 'Apply to' on the custom fields Edit page will not re-apply the entity's previously assigned custom field values.

    Add or remove values that can be added to the custom field using the  buttons

  4. Click 

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