IRIS Create a Space Ad-Lead Gen

IRIS Create a Space Ad-Lead Gen

This is the primary customer-facing creative component of a Dedicated or Space Ad effort. Building this creative in a Lead Gen format requires a Lead Gen Item and an associated Offer. Marketers create and use these as the actual advertisement that a customer will see on a webpage or in an email. Use these instructions when creating a space ad. 

How to Create a Space Ad

  1. Hover over  and select  to start.
  2. Complete the following fields:

    Name*Enter a name for the creative.
    Item*Select an item for this creative. This can be an internal, Agora, or Non-Agora item.
    Item TypeThe item type will be autofilled based on the item.
    Creative Type*Select Space Ad as the creative type.

    Offer*Select the offer.
    CampaignAssociates this Offer with the selected Campaign for Searching and other purposes, and helps to determine Campaign on an Effort.
    Copywriter 1*

    Select the Copywriter to receive credit for this Creative.

    Click this to additional copywriters and their allocation.

    Enter any notes relevant to your creative.

    TagsEnter any tags you would like to have to help identify your creatives.
    Creative Status
    This will dictate the status of the Creative as Active, Shelved, or Expired. The status can be changed by selecting .

    Body Content*

    Use the WYSIWYG to build the Lift Note.

     To Insert the Full Promotion Link...

    1.  Highlight the words and/or phrase that will serve as a placeholder for the Full Promotion Link.

    2. Select to insert the link.

     To Insert a Promo Code...

     To Insert a URL Nickname...

    1. Select  to insert the URL Nickname, which will provide the customer with the URL nickname set on the effort's IRIS offer.

    For more information on the WYSIWYG, go here.

  3. Select 

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