Missing Mailing Revenue in ThoughtSpot
Summary / TL:DR:
Whenever an affiliate reaches out about missing mailing revenue in ThoughtSpot when compared to different sources (e.g. IRIS/Sales & Revenue data set in ThoughtSpot) please refer to these instructions as a first step.
These tickets will likely decrease once the BlueShift data refactor is complete for all affiliates since Promo Query variables will automatically be added. More info on the data refactor can be found here.
Requirements from affiliate:
Be sure to collect the campaign name that the promo code was sent in out of BlueShift (in ThoughtSpot this is called ‘Mailing Campaign Name’)
Be sure to collect the promo code they say is missing revenue
Once you have gathered the promo code(s) in question, go to this Liveboard in ThoughtSpot and add the promo code(s) to the filter at the top of the Liveboard.
Note the totals at the bottom of each chart for batch revenue and gross revenue.
If the batch revenue and gross revenue numbers in the ‘Mailing Revenue Comparison’ chart are lower than the totals in the ‘Sales & Revenue Comparison’ chart, then it would be an indicator that the setup of the mailings is incorrect, and we would need to verify in BlueShift.
The information you will need from ThoughtSpot to verify is:
Mailing Campaign Name
Link URL
Once in BlueShift you will need to paste the campaign name into the ‘Search by Name’ field on the ‘Campaigns’ tab (Note: Be sure your ‘Time’ in the upper right matches the mail date you saw for the campaign in ThoughtSpot) in order to bring up the campaign:
Click on the campaign name which will then bring you to the reports section of the campaign. Once there, you will need to click on the ‘Journey’ tab to see the parent node and the child triggers that went out for the campaign.
Click on template names (highlighted above) that are nested in each trigger.
Once you have clicked on that you will need to follow these steps to see if Shared Assets and Promo Query Variables are correctly setup.
If after following these steps you confirm that the setup was incorrect you will need to inform the affiliate that they will not be able to see the revenue in eComm Mailing data in ThoughtSpot and will instead have to look to the Sales & Revenue dataset in ThoughtSpot or IRIS to see the revenue. We are unable to add that missing revenue in the mailing reporting, but it is still accounted for in other data sources.
If after following the linked instructions to verify if Shared Assets and Promo Query Variables were in fact setup correctly but revenue is still short or missing, it is important to note that while rare, there have been edge cases where all mailings were setup correctly but the mailing variables required to tie an order to a mailing were dropped somewhere between clicking through the mailing and placing an order.
The ticket will likely then need to be escalated to confirm with BSFT/WMC/D&A that variables were not received.
Wrap up
In most cases where revenue is missing from mailing data but present in other data sources it is likely a setup issue. This walk through should help you to identify and confirm if the setup was correct.