How to create a new schedule

How to create a new schedule

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a new schedule in Thoughtspot.

How to create a new schedule

  1. In order to create new schedule for a user you will first need the name of their pinboard (note: you can only create schedules from pinboards, you cannot do this from ‘Answers’). Search for the pinboard in ThoughtSpot by going to Pinboards and typing in the name of the pinboard. You should ask the affiliate for this information if not given. Click on the pinboard name to open it.

2. Once you get to the pinboard you should click the ellipsis in the upper right hand corner and then click on 'Manage Schedules' 

3. If a schedule is present you will see the name of the schedule, if not you will need to hit ‘+ Schedule’ button in the upper right.

4. Next you will need to create the schedule based on the settings the user has provided you. You will need to know:

a. Frequency: Specific days, weekly, daily, etc.

b. The time of day it should be delivered

Note: At this time ThoughtSpot operates in UTC for the time zone, so please be sure to take that into account when creating or adjusting an existing schedule. For example, if I wanted a schedule to deliver in my inbox at 9am EST, you would need to set the schedule in ThoughtSpot to deliver at 14:00 (which would be 2pm UTC).

c. Name of the scheduled report

d. The emails who should be on the distribution

e. Format: PDF or CSV

Note: CSV format will only send out visualizations from the pinboard that are in straight table format. PDF format will only do an image of the visualizations in their current state. In most cases, users will want CSV format for sales, but be sure to always ask.

f. Gating Condition: If there is a use case for this, please reach out to BI for assistance. The gating condition is used if a user only wants a schedule to send if certain criteria is met (e.g. if sales are > 100, send out the report).


Wrap up

You should now know how to create a new schedule in Thoughtspot.

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