Data Refactor - URL Parameters
Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how custom and relevant campaign parameters are added to all links that are sent from Blueshift.
Custom vid2 Parameter
In the refactored instances of Blueshift a custom parameter will be added to all triggers and therefore all links that get sent out of Blueshift will have it included by default. This parameter is the verification id. Below shows the key-value pair:
key = vid2
value = {{ user_transaction.advantage_customer_number | append: '@@' | append: user_transaction.list_code | append: '@@' | append: | aes256_encrypt_v2: '50655368566D597133743677397A24432646294A404E635266546A576E5A7234', '472B4B6250655368566D597133743677' }}
Blueshift Feature Documentation
If you would like to add additional default custom parameters please submit that request to Global Support.
If you would like to update existing triggers that do not include the newly added default parameter(s), you will first have to manually add it/them to the trigger in order to save the update, otherwise Blueshift will throw a validation error.
How it Works
The vid2 variable is comprised of the advantage customer number, list code, email address and delimiters which are then AES-256 encrypted within a single liquid object.
This variable is then decrypted by 14West systems to be used in things such as reporting, unsubscribes, and order form auto-pop.
The decrypted value will look something like the following:
Because this will be added to all links including unsubscribe links, there is no need to manually add any query parameters within the template as this will be done programmatically.
Blueshift Parameters
Blueshift will also automatically include link parameters relevant to the campaign itself. They are as follows:
Parameter | What is it? |
bsft_clkid | Unique identifier generated when clicking a link |
bsft_uid | Unique identifier assigned to the Blueshift profile |
bsft_mid | Unique message identifier* |
bsft_utid | Unique identifier assigned to the profile with the transaction list code appended to it |
bsft_mime_type | Indicates the type non-ASCII components of a message |
bsft_tv | Template version |
bsft_aaid | Unique identifier of the adapter used in the campaign |
bsft_eid | Unique identifier of experiment. Even if there is a single template on a trigger, it will generate a unique bsft_eid. |
bsft_ek | Campaign execution timestamp |
bsft_lx | Identifies the instance of the URL when the same URL is used in multiple locations in the template. |
bsft_pid | Unique ID of a Blueshift catalog item |
bsft_pp | When using an array of catalog items, this indicates the ordinal number in which the item was surfaced |
pk | This is the profile key which is comprised of the affiliate id and email address which is MD5 hashed. You can read more about this parameter here. |
vid2 | Encrypted concatenation of advantage_customer_number, list or item code, and email_address joined by ‘@@’ |
utm_campaign | Name of the campaign |
utm_source | Blueshift |
utm_medium | Channel that is used in Blueshift (Email, SMS, Push) |
The last three parameters of bsft_eid, bsft_ek, and bsft_lx are used by Data and Analytics to associate orders with a campaign and so again, there is no need to manually add any query parameters to promotion links within the template.
Please keep in mind that these URL parameters are added automatically so there is no need to add them within the template. We have seen issues where the value is missing from the URL if any of the above parameters are added within the template.
Wrap up
You should now know how the vid2 custom parameters work and what other parameters are included in Blueshift links.
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