Facebook Ad Cost importing

Facebook Ad Cost importing

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to import Facebook ad costs.

Important: For this request, you need Read/Write access to \\agora\home\DeptData\MarketingIntelligence\Facebook. If you do not have proper permissions, please submit a ticket to IT.

Hot to import facebook ad costs

Ad costs can only be uploaded on a monthly basis with this process. Daily costs are only for paid costs via Third Party spend. Source codes need to be at the monthly level or affiliates should have an API set up for the costs to show up daily. 

Here is an example of this type of ticket: BIST-8048 The reporter will provide an excel sheet with ad costs that they want uploaded to the EAD. We need to make sure the excel sheet is formatted properly for the job to run correctly.

Here is a sample Ad Cost excel sheet:

The columns must be listed with the exact spelling and spacing, in this provided order.

Reporting Starts

  • Must be in US date format (mm/dd/yyyy)

  • Should be the start date of the month

Reporting Ends

  • Must be in US date format (mm/dd/yyyy)

  • Needs to be the end date of the same month as the Reporting Start date

  • Each row of the spreadsheet should be the spend amount for 1 month only

Campaign Name

  • Field formatted as Advantage List Code: Note

  • Advantage List Code must come 1st, followed by optional note

  • List Code must always be followed by a colon, even if there is no note after

Ad Set Name

  • Field formatted as XCODE Note

  • Each row must use a single, unique XCODE (no repeats)

  • XCODE must be 8 characters (make sure no spaces are in cell)

Amount Spent (USD)

  • No commas or currency symbols

  • You can replace (USD) in the column header with the correct currency

Page Likes

  • Must be numeric with no commas

  • This can also be left blank as we don’t currently use it in reporting

The spreadsheet should be saved as a .csv file with "FB Costs" in the filename, along with the year, month, and organization’s name.
Ex. FB Costs - Agora Financial - January 2020

File is saved in \\agora\home\DeptData\MarketingIntelligence\Facebook

A job runs 6am on Mondays to upload the ad costs to the EAD; you should be able to see the uploaded costs in EAD the following day (on Tuesday).  Once uploaded, the file then moved to FB Costs Archive folder.

The last part is to confirm that you're able to find the uploaded costs in the EAD. Below, there is a link to the dashboard, as well as an example search.

Ecommerce Aquisition Dashboard

  1. You'll want to click Clear All at the top right to make sure no criteria were previously selected.

  2. Choose the Affiliate and eLetter that were uploaded. In this case it would be AF: Laissez Faire and GGMHOT.


    Pay close attention to the Last Reload date/time on the bottom right-hand corner***

  3. Select the 'Source Code Detail' tab at the top.

  4. Toggle the correct Year and Month from the top left. In our example, we would choose January 2020.

  5. In the 'eLetter Source Code' box, use the magnifying glass to type out the x-code you're looking for.

        You can use ctrl + click to select multiple codes at a time

    This picture shows the proper filters for the ad cost example above. The red arrow shows the Ad Costs that should match the excel sheet.

  6. Confirm that the reporter is able to see the figures in the EAD before closing. Feel free to provide a screenshot.

Wrap up

You should now know how to import Facebook ad costs.


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