Searching for Accounts

Searching for Accounts

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for searching for accounts that already exists in the system.

In general, customer searches are performed at the Customer Search screen.  However, any screen with the option to enter a customer number will allow you to perform a search by clicking the drop down arrow. The customer radio button will show results for both the bill-to and receiving customer. 

How to Find a Customer Account

  1. From the Customer Search you can perform a search using various customer information.  The most popular searches are by Email Address, Last Name & Zip Code or Phone Number.  Country is only required if the customer is not in the US.

Postal Code

In the US, this is the zip code of the customer. Search results can be narrowed by using the full 9 digit zip code. Due to the size of the customer database, it is encouraged to search using more information than just the 6 digit postal zip code. Outside of the US, this is identified as a postal code. Note that not all countries have postal codes.

Country Code

Identifies the country for the account. For US based affiliates, this field will default to blank. All US customers are identified with a blank country code. When searching for a customer outside of the US, this field is necessary for searching for accounts.

Last Name

The last name on the account. In general, searches made by customers contacting by phone will be by postal code + last name. Due to the size of the customer database, it is encouraged to search using more information than just the last name. This field can be used in conjunction with other search fields as well to narrow search results, for instance last name and Street 1 contains.

First Name

The first name on the account. This is used to narrow search results and in conjunction with other search fields and should not be used alone.

Company Name

For accounts that contain a company name, this search field can be used to narrow results. This search is also used for affiliates that sell to businesses, or B2B.

Phone Number

The phone number searches all contact phone numbers on accounts. This search field can be used alone or in conjunctions with other search fields to narrow results.

Email Address

The email address searches all email addresses associated on accounts. In general, searches made by customers contacting by email will be searched using this field alone, however this search field can be used in conjunction with other fields to narrow results.

Customer Number

The account number for the customer. Using this search field will bring back the account and all associated addresses with the account and is used alone.

Item Number

Identifies customer accounts that have purchased the item - including subscriptions, products, AMB and conferences. Due to the size of the customer database, it is encouraged to search using more information than just the item number.

Street 1 Contains

Used to perform a search with a street address contained. For example, if the customer lives on Main Street, you can enter Main and it will look for any address where 'main' is used in the Street 1 field. Due to the size of the customer database, it is encouraged to search using more information than just the street 1 field.

Customer PO #

The web order number for orders placed online. This search field can be used alone.

House Number

Used to perform a search on just the house number and not the full street address

Customer Search Results Type

This defaults to Customers. Accounts and Prospects options are not currently used.

Customer Search Match Type

This defaults to Soundex Match. Exact Prefix Match and Complete Match can be used to narrow results. For more information on the using search filter, go here.

Customer Record Status

This defaults to searching for active customers. Customers can be set to inactive when consolidated or unintentionally by a user.

Order Number

Used to perform a search for an account with the Advantage Order Number. This search field can be used alone.

Search Filters

Search filters allow for more search options. These options can be on top of or in place of the searches available on the screen directly. Due to the size of the customer database, it is encouraged to search using more information than less to optimize your search time and results.

2. To select the customer, click on the account so the line is highlighted in blue.

3. Double click on the customer account line, or click the Select Current Customer Icon to select the customer's account.

Selecting a customer's account in make sure customer number and customer information will be carried over from screen to screen. In addition, when you select the customer, the customer number will automatically be copied to your clipboard.

Wrap up

You should now be able to search for an existing customer in Advantage.

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