

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to use scripts on a screen in Advantage.

Scripts are available from several screens in Advantage. Scripts allow flexibility to customize the appearance and flow of information. Scripts allow the following functionality:

  • Ability to hide tabs and fields

  • Ability to provide user captions

  • Ability to control the number of columns displayed across the screen

  • Text “filler” fields to aid in positioning the fields displayed

  • Box together fields

  • Bold, italicize, color change headings or fields.

In the 17.0 release, two cool features were added for scripts. First, there is now a limited view of these scripts, based on Owning Org. This will make it easier to choose a script because your options are filtered down and allows for a less cluttered view of the screen. And second, this modification also allows for script “ownership,” so you can determine the owner of the script and any other team members, within your Organization, that you are allowing to edit specific scripts. 

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Screens with Scripts

Scripts are available from the following workspaces:

  • Customer Search

  • Customer Activity

  • Order Entry (Fast Entry)

  • Promotions

Setting the Script

Depending on your user settings and the screen, you will be either defaulted to a script or set to No script on a screen.  Once a script is selected, it will always be defaulted at this screen unless you change the script.  The only exception is when using the telephony functionality with Advantage - the script is then driven by the incoming call information.

Each screen has a slightly different way to set the script.  See the individual 'Understanding the Screen' pages for more instructions.

Determining Script Set

Once a script is set at a screen, it will default to this script until changed.  To determine which script is set at a screen, this information can be seen in the top right corner of the screen.

Wrap up

You should now be able to use scripts on a screen in Advantage.

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