Bulk Uploads

Bulk Uploads

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to complete bulk uploads in SignupApp2

Bulk Uploads can be added done by the affiliate admin, or anyone with read/write access to the list. We'd generally direct the user to their affiliate admin, however, with the Spamhaus incident that occurred, Support is now completing more bulk uploads for affiliates. 

As a rule of thumb, check with the data team if your upload will exceed 200k as this is our daily "limit". This is just to ensure we are not overloading the queue and to make sure there aren't other data efforts going on. 

Process by ticket owner

  1. Confirm the count with affiliate first and the source code they want to use


  1. 200k per day limit for entire team 

  2. Must be completed after 12pm

  3. For list sweeps/excel files - all tests must be run

How to Add a Bulk Upload

  1. Navigate to the Bulk Upload tab after signing into SUA2

  2. Complete the following fields:


Select an affiliate

Email List*

Select an email list to load the subscriber names to

Welcome Email

Select a welcome email if applicable

Double Opt-In Email

Select a double opt-in email if applicable

Select a .CSV file*

Browse and select the .CSV file. It is recommended to download the .CSV template and use this as the template for the file to ensure all column names are correctly added.

3. Click Submit once everything is filled out


Wrap up

You should now know how to complete bulk uploads in SignupApp2

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