Blueshift Anonymous Feature
Summary / TL:DR: This article will explain the Anonymous Feature in Blueshift.
With this feature turned on in your account Blueshift will automatically append the blueshift profile id (bsft_uid - unique identifier for each profile in Blueshift) to each link sent from a campaign. This allows Blueshift to identify a customer via their profile id instead of the cookie or any other identifier. This enables for more accurate profile matching.
A link to an article is sent to customer via a Blueshift campaign. With this feature turned on the link will look something like when the customer clicks on it. If on this web page you are running the Blueshift tracking script and/or sending a custom event over to Blueshift, the pageload/custom event will automatically include the blueshift profile id and will record it under that profile.
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding of the Anonymous Feature in Blueshift.
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