Blueshift Data Refactor - Unsubscribe Link

Blueshift Data Refactor - Unsubscribe Link

Summary / TL:DR: This article will go over setting up an unsubscribe link in Blueshift.

New Unsubscribe Link_.

In the refactored instance of Blueshift a new unsubscribe endpoint was created to support the vid2 link parameter:


Once the link is clicked on it should look something like the following:


The vid2 parameters is decrypted by SUA2 to know which list code to unsubscribe the email address from. All that’s needed is for the link to be places in the content. No additional parameters are required to be added to the end of the link for the unsubscribe to work.

Wrap up

You should now know how to use unsubscribe links in your refactored instance of Blueshift.

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