Liquid Script
Liquid Script is an open source scripting language that can be used to personalize content in an email. You can use any data point within Blueshift to conditionally hide, show, or modify content in an email allowing you to create campaigns that dynamically adapt to the customer.
For more information beyond the basics covered here, visit the Liquid Script External Wiki.
{{ "now"| date: "%m/%d/%Y" }}
Note: For additional options visit
{{ Object | default: "My Default" }}
First, Last, & Email
{{ user.firstname }}
{{ user.lastname }}
{{ }}
User Transactions (Advantage Data Objects)
{{ user_transaction.object }}
Note: For a list of available advantage data objects, please see the Data Object Map.
Whitespace Control
<!--If Liquid Script is causing formatting issues, try using the minus sign (-) inside your tags-->
{%- some liquid script -%}
Assigning a Value to a Variable
{% assign my_variable = "some value" %}
<p>This is {{ my_variable }}</p>
This is some value
Template and Shared Asset Logic
The following markup examples are shown using the list_code data object mapped from Advantage to Blueshift. You can use any data object available to create dynamic content within a template. You can also use values assigned to variables within other liquid script markup. Liquid script values can be passed between templates and shared assets in both directions. You can also pass values from one shared asset to another as long as both are used within the same template.
Note: When using transaction data in your logic, the list, publication, or product you have starred in your advanced segment will be referenced. For more information, please see Creating Advanced Segments.
Using IF Statements
{% if user_transaction.list_code == "ABC" %}
Show ABC content
{% elsif user_transaction.list_code == "XYZ" %}
Show XYZ content
{% else %}
Show default content or warning
{% endif %}
Using SWITCH Statements
{% case user_transaction.list_code %}
{% when "ABC" %}
Show ABC content
{% when "123" or "XYZ" %}
Show 123/XYZ content
{% endcase %}
Using CAPTURE Statements
{% capature introduction %}Hi {{ user.firstname }},<br /> Thank you for subscribing. <b>To login, visit our <a href="">website</a>.</b>{% endcapture %}
{{ introduction }}
Hi Jane,
Thank you for subscribing. To login, visit our website.