IRIS Auto Promo Codes in IRIS

IRIS Auto Promo Codes in IRIS

Use these instructions to automatically generate a Promo Code in IRIS. This will occur when creating an Effort without a Promo Code, or, removing a Promo Code from an Effort that you created yourself.

Items supported by Auto Promo Code:

  • Subscriptions
  • Products
  • Memberships
  • Packages
  • Lead Gen
  • AMB
  • Conferences

How to Create an Auto Promo Code in IRIS

  1. Click 

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.

     in the top menu bar.

  2. On the Ready for Promo Codes tab, make sure the

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.

    tab is selected. 

  3. Select the Effort you would like to create a promotion code for by clicking the 

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.

     next to it.

  4. Click 

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.


    The system will display 

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.


  5. You have completed this task.

    Once an effort receives a promotion code , it will appear under the

    You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.

    tab for 24 hours.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html-macro' is unknown.