IRIS Creating an Effort from the Campaign Dashboard

IRIS Creating an Effort from the Campaign Dashboard

Marketers can quickly create efforts from creative sets on the Campaign Dashboard.  Follow these guidelines to learn how. 

How to Create an Effort from the Campaign Dashboard

  1. Go to the campaign dashboard
  2. On the  menu, you'll see the Create Effort option if: 
    1. The creative set is active
    2. The tree and its creatives are all active
    3. You have the "Create and Edit Efforts" permission
    4. You have access to the tree or have the "Create and Edit Trees" permission
  3. Select the Create Effort option. 
  4. A popup will show: 

  5. Select an effort type

  6. You have the option to select a lift note or space ad based on the available ads in the creative set. 
  7. Click 
  8. The "Create Effort" page will open in a new tab.  The effort will have the following populated already: 
    1. Item
    2. Campaign
    3. Effort type
    4. Effort destination
    5. Advertisement (if you picked one)
    6. Tree
    7. Advantage Creative Code
    8. Advantage Description

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