IRIS Edit a Campaign

IRIS Edit a Campaign

Use these instructions when editing a campaign to be used with creatives and efforts. 

How to Edit an Existing Campaign

  1. Hover over  and select  to navigate to the Campaigns listing page.  
  2. Find the name of the campaign you would like to edit and hover over the  button on its row.
  3. Click the  button. 

    NameEdit the name for the campaign.
    DescriptionEdit the brief description of the campaign.
    Advantage Campaign Code

    Edit/Enter the Advantage campaign code. Set a campaign's status to 'Inactive' to archive them at your discretion.

    Only the campaign itself will be deactivated. Items, efforts, creatives and trees will be safe.
    StatusEdit the status of the campaign. 

  4. Edit the name and (or) description of the campaign
  5. Click 

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