Summary / TL:DR: An overview of how you can setup double opt-in emails in Blueshift.
Campaign Setup
These emails will still get triggered by the marketing_email_subscribe event. A new attribute of is_double_optin was added to the event to indicate the signup should follow the double opt-in process.
Campaign Journey
Journey Start
In the journey start filters you can look at the above selections which will apply to all triggers. The is_double_optin = true filter indicates that the signup came from a double opt-in lead gen effort.
The list_code attribute ensures the emails are specific to a certain list.
Initial Email
When a customer first signs up to a DOI lead gen effort a marketing_email_subscribe event will be sent with the attribute of email_active set to false. The event will also include an attribute called confirm_link which is the link the customer needs to click on to opt-in. This event will trigger the first email from this campaign.
To include the confirmation link in the template you would add {{confirm_link}} as the link in the <a> tag.
Double Opt-in Confirmation Email
After the customer clicks on the confirmation link from the initial email, another marketing_email_subscribe event will be sent for the customer but this time the email_active attribute will be set to true, indicating they are now active on this list. This will trigger the second email to the customer.
Wrap up
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