OSM Automation

OSM Automation

EPP has worked with some other internal teams to get some of the OSM rules automated to decrease the number of orders held in the OSM queue. While we continue to grow the amount of automation we use, below is a list of rules that have been automated so far. 


  • Credit reason must be applied to this overpayment- similar to force match, these errors are caused when Advantage perceives a mismatch between the price dictated by a product order’s promo choice and the payment amount on the order itself, typically due to sales tax. 

  • Force Match Error- are caused when Advantage perceives a mismatch between the price dictated by a product order’s promo choice and the payment amount on the order itself, typically due to sales tax. 

  • Unposted Versions/ Unposted Adjustments- These are both types of cancellations of orders. These are automatically deleted. 

  • Customer Requested Cancel- Occurs when a customer requested to cancel an order before it has fully processed. These are just deleted. 

  • Zip Code Rules- automation was mostly put in place for International Zip Codes because they are not as widely known or used as the zip code is in the U.S. 

  • Address Line too long- automation does not pick up all of these so there is still some manual intervention, but less orders kick out for this reason. 

  • Test Orders- automatically delete orders that have test in every field 

  • Suspended Agreements- These errors occur when a customer places an order for an item which they currently have a subscription to, but their subscription is in Indefinitely Suspended status. The subscription will simply be reset. 

  • Blocked customers- These orders error out due to a block placed on the account by one of the affiliates because of the customer being a chronic canceler, having health issues or one of the customers family members has requested to put a block on the account. 

  • Inactive customers- This occurs when a customer has two accounts and are consolidated while an order is still getting processed.  

  • Perpetual Subscriptions- Perpetual subscriptions are permanent subscriptions on a customer’s account.  If a customer places a new order for a subscription they already have in perpetual status, the new order will error out.   

  • Unpaid Terms- the customer is placing a new order for a subscription they already have, but that one term of the subscription hasn’t been fully paid up. While some of these are handled manually, others can be activated at +1 day with no changes made. 

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