OSM Rules

OSM Rules

There are several procedures the EPP Specialists follow in order to fix the orders to send them through. A list with a brief explanation is below: 


  • Address Corrections- mistyped address, wrong postal code, invalid country code, missing state/province, address like too long, etc. This is resolved by simply fixing the address- sometimes we just add spaces between words, correct the state/city/country code mismatch, or standardize US addresses. 

  •  Address Line Too Long – Often times an address is too long. In order to resolve this error, simply verify the address and split it up onto multiple lines (Street line 1, Street line 2). Occasionally, exempting the address from standardization is necessary. 

  • Promotion Code Errors- Invalid promo code, invalid promo choice, promotion code set up incorrectly, orders out of valid date range for promo, consent orders. If there is a promotion choice on the promo code that matches the order, EPP specialists can simply change the choice to push the order through. If there is no proper choice, or the promotion as a whole is incorrect, the affiliate will be contacted on how to push through. 

  • Invalid email address- This is when an email address on the customer’s account has been marked ‘invalid.’ This can be adjusted on the customer’s account, simply by changing the address to A status for Active. 

  • Unpaid terms- the customer is placing a new order for a subscription they already have, but that one term of the subscription hasn’t been fully paid up. These can be corrected by either removing the unpaid amount (by cancelling the suspended term, writing off a leftover amount, or applying the new payment to the old invoice) or delete the order as a duplicate. 

  • Force Match Errors- Caused when Advantage perceives a mismatch between the price dictated by a product order’s promo choice and the payment amount on the order itself, typically due to sales tax. Typically, these amounts are over or under $5, so the order will be pushed through with the difference.  

  • Already lifetime orders- Have been placed by customers who already have memberships or lifetime subscriptions to the item being ordered. EPP Specialists will delete these orders. 

  • Test orders- Test orders with the words “test” in all fields will be automatically deleted. If there is an employee name or email associated with the company, we will reach out to that person on whether or not the test orders should be pushed through. There are some cases when a test order is in the queue that was submitted from an Affiliate. These are followed up with the Affiliate before processing depending on the need of the test order. 

  • Nonsalable Tasks- These orders error out when the product or pub being ordered cannot be sold, either because it’s unavailable in the customer’s country or state, or because the item itself is no longer being sold. While most the time these orders are deleted, sometimes a task is entered. 

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