Installment Billing Restructure

Installment Billing Restructure

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to provide a new schedule for an existing sequence of installment billing debits. For example the customer wishes to move from a monthly schedule to a quarterly one (or vice versa). Or perhaps the customer has missed payments, and needs to have the debits reset, while taking into account the money they have paid to this point.

How to Restructure Installment Billing

  1. From the Telesales Ribbon, click Installment Restructure

  2. On the Installment Billing Headers Screen search for and highlight the installment to be restructured

  3. Click Restructure

  4. The installment Billing Header Maintenance dialog box will appear, complete the following fields:

Reset I/B

Enter the new installment billing code.

Date of First Installment

Enter the date the first installment should be charged.

Number of Installments

Enter the new number of installments. This should match the new billing codes number of installments.

5. Click OK

6. The Advantage Report View will appear to give a preview of the new restructured payment schedule:

Move to Step 7 only if the report is correct for the installment change, otherwise, go back to step 3

7. Click OK

Once you have determined the final I/B code and restructure that is to be used for this invoice ARP280 does the following:

  • Selects installment header records set up and released for restructure

  • Determines the balance due

  • Creates a credit for the balance due and applies the credit to all outstanding installments

  • Creates new installment billing sequence records under the same invoice# based on the balance due and the new installment billing code

  • Uupdates the installment billing header record as needed

  • Places the amount of the restructure credit applied in the COM-AMT field, and sets DSP-USR to 'ARP280', on the old debit records

  • Places the value 'ARP280' in the CRX-NBR field on the restructure credit records

8. The Installment Billing Header Maintenance dialog box will appear to verify the change

9. Click OK

10. In order for the new payment process to begin, the ARP280 process must be run, this runs every night, so after you’ve made your change, you should see this take affect the next day

Wrap up

You should now know how to restructure an existing sequence of installment billing debits in Advantage.

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