Testing a Journey

Testing a Journey

Summary / TL:DR: This article will teach you how to test a journey in WMC.

An exciting new feature in WMC is the ability to test journeys against each other! This feature is accessed through the Test Groups area. Before creating a test your journeys must be created. Additional testing is being developed so keep your eyes open for more info! Follow these steps to test a journey.

How to Test a Journey in WMC

  1. Select Create 

  2. Select Journey Test Group 

  3. Enter a name for the test. - Naming conventions are extremely important here. Be sure to have a naming convention that helps to identify key information. 

  4. Select the status - The status can be active or shelved. 

  5. Start by selecting the name of the initial journey 

  6. Enter the percentage of traffic that should be sent to this journey 

  7. Select the second journey 

  8. Enter the percentage of traffic that should be sent to this journey 

  9. Enter any additional journeys if testing more than two journeys 

  10. Be sure the percentages add up to 100% 

  11. Add tags as necessary 

  12. Select Save 

  13. Your test is now ready 

Wrap up

You should now know how to test a journey in WMC.

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