Paternity Leave - APSI

Paternity Leave - APSI

1.    Purpose

To define Paternity Leave for Agora Publishing Services Ireland Limited (APSI) as a result of the Paternity Leave & Benefit Act 2016.  The Act enables a ‘relevant parent’ to take 2 weeks paternity leave which must commence within the first 26 weeks of the birth / adoption of a child, that take place on or after 1st September 2016.

2.    Scope

The content of this policy applies to all full & part time employees of Agora Publishing Services Ireland Limited (APSI).

3.    Associated Documentation

The following documents are associated with this policy;

·       Paternity Leave Form

4.    Procedure:


·       Paternity leave is available to all employees who are deemed to be the ‘relevant parent’ of a newborn child. Only one person who is a relevant parent in relation to the child is entitled to leave in respect of that child.

·       There is no qualifying period for entitlement (i.e. length of service etc).


·       Subject to eligibility and notification criteria being met – paternity leave will apply to births / placements that take place on or after 1st September 2016.

·       The leave must be taken as a continuous period of 2 weeks & cannot be broken into smaller periods of leave.

·       Paternity leave can begin at the time of the birth / adoption or within 26 weeks of the birth / adoption.

·       The leave will commence on the date the relevant parent selects and as per written notification.

·       Paternity leave cannot commence earlier than the expected date of birth / placement and cannot commence later than the 26 weeks after birth / placement.

·       Multiple births: one single block of 2 weeks still applies in total.

Application for leave:

·       The Company must be notified in writing by the employee at least 4 weeks before the intended commencement of leave date.

·       A medical cert confirming the expected date of birth / placement must accompany the application.



Early Confinement / Birth:

·       Where the birth of the child occurs 4 or more weeks prematurely the employee must notify the company in writing of their intention to take paternity leave within 7 days of the birth.

Postponement of Leave due to Late Birth / Placement:

·       The period of leave may be postponed in the event the date of birth occurs after the selected date of leave. The parent may select another date, in writing, on which the leave will commence.

Postponement of Leave due to Illness of the Relevant Parent:

·       The period of leave may be postponed in the event the employee becomes ill prior to the leave has commenced.

·       A medical cert must accompany this request as soon as possible.

·       The period of postponed leave must commence no later than 7 days after the employee is no longer sick or as mutually agreed by the employee & the company.

Postponement of Leave if the Child is hospitalised:

·       In the event the child is hospitalised, the employee can request in writing, to postpone their leave, subject to the approval of the organisation.

·       Where the company agrees to postpone the leave, the date of postponement will be mutually agreed by the employee and the company.

·       The employee must take the continuous block of leave within 7 days of the child being released from hospital, on a date mutually agreed by the employee and the company.

·       The employee must notify the company as soon as possible of this date.

Note: If the employee falls ill during the date of postponement of leave, and the employee requests to transfer to the sick leave policy, the remainder of the paternity leave is forfeited and cannot be taken at a later date.

Payment during Paternity Leave:

·       The employee can obtain the relevant PB2 form from the Department of Social Protection regarding payment for Paternity Leave.

·       There is no statutory right for the employee to be paid by their employer. 

Annual Leave & Public Holidays

The employee has the right to accrue annual leave and public holidays while on paternity leave.


Paternity Leave Application Form

This form must be completed by an employee who takes Paternity leave and comply with the Eligibility, Conditions & Application criteria as set out in the Paternity Leave Policy.


Employee Name:






Date of Application:


Expected Date of Confinement / Adoption:


Requested Date of Paternity Leave:




I, _________________________________________, am requesting to take Paternity Leave, commencing on ____________________________________________ for 2 weeks. My return to work date will be ____________________________________________. I have read and understood the Paternity Leave policy. I declare that the information given above is true, accurate and complete.


Signature of Employee:                           ______________________ Date:      ________________________        


Signature of Supervisor/Manager:                                         Date:                           __________        




Office use only:

Medical Cert provided:


Conditions of Application have been met:


Approved by (HR Department Name):


Date employee was notified:



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