The Access data object was created to allow Blueshift users to target customers based on specific Access attributes.
Attribute | Advantage Field | Blueshift Field | Logic/Rules |
Customer Number | CTM_NBR | customer_id | |
Agreement Id | AGR_ID | agreement_id | |
Agreement Term | AGR_TRM | agreement_term | |
Agreement Status | AGR_STS | status_detail | |
Agreement version | AGR_VER | agreement_version | |
Agreement Renewal | AGR_REN | renewal_type | If 'A' then 'Auto Renewal' 'C' then 'Auto Charge' 'D' then 'Auto Discontinued' 'E' then 'Promote Donee' 'N' then 'Do Not Renew' 'S' then 'Special Renewal' 'X' then 'Do Not Promote for Renewal' 'Y' then 'Promote for Renewal' 'Z' then 'Promote Limited Offers' else 'UNKNOWN' |
Agreement Renewal | AGR_REN | renewal_type_detail | |
Agreement Type | AGR_TYP | agreement_type | if 'C' then 'Complimentary', 'I' then 'Invoiceable', 'P' then 'Pro-forma', 'T' then 'Trial' else ‘UNKNOWN’ |
Choice Id | AGR_CHC | choice_id | |
Expiration Date | EXP_DTE | expiration_date | |
Final Expiration Date | AFIN_EXP | final_expire | |
Host Code | HOST_CDE | host_code | |
Item Number | ITM_NUM | item_number | |
Last Updated Date | UPD_UTC | last_updated_date | |
Outlet Code | PMO_CDE | outlet_code | Substring promotion_code(1,1) |
Order Number | ORD_NBR | order_number | |
Owning Org | OWN_ORG | owning_org | |
Promotion code | PMO_CDE | promotion _code | |
Price Code | PRIC_CDE | price_code | |
Quantity Ordered | QTY_ORD | quantity_ordered | |
Quantity Remaining | QTY_REM | quantity_remaining | |
Service Id | SRV_ID | service_id | |
Subscription Type | SUB_TYP | subscription_type | |
Version Start Date | VER_STRT | start_date | |
Unit Price | UNIT_PRC | unit_price | |
Campaign Code | CPN_CDE | campaign_code | |
Acquisition Method | PMO_ACQ | acquisition_method | |
Creative Code | CTV_CDE | creative_code | |
Offer Code | OFR_CDE | offer_code | |
Email Id | EMAL_ID | email_id | |
Email Status | EML_STA | email_status | If ('A',' ') then 'Active', |
Email Address | ADR_EML | email_address | |
Customer Number | CTM_NBR | customer_id | |
Agreement Id | AGR_ID | agreement_id | |
Item Number | ITM_NUM | item_number | |
Agreement Term | AGR_TRM | agreement_term |