ThoughtSpot uses keywords to allow you to easily search and talk with your data. This is a short list of the keywords that come up most often.
- limits results to top 10
last month / last quarter/ last year
- dynamically always selects the previous month / quarter / year
- couple with keyword month to date / quarter to date/ year to date
this month
- dynamically selects the current month
n months ago / days ago / weeks ago / quarters ago / years ago
- dynamically selects a certain number of months ago / days ago / weeks ago / quarters ago / years ago
monthly / yearly / daily / weekly
- breaks out your chart by month/ year / day / week (like saying "show me this by month")
day of month / month of year / quarter of year
- shows the day number / month / quarter
- use the month of year or quarter of year with "Year" as a dimension to show year over year how your measure compared each month or quarter
- use with the cumulative sum expressions (Transaction Analysis worksheet) to show one month versus another month (like: sales amount day of month this month versus last month ) , or for the month of year / quarter of year keywords, you can show one year versus another year (like: sales amount month of year this year versus last year)
- compare one dimension against another, like "this year versus last year" or "ITEM A versus ITEM B"
month to date / quarter to date / year to date
- limits your month / quarter / year dimension to match the time period that has passed in the current year
- useful for comparing like time periods like: last year year to date this year