Trans. Date | Date of the transaction. |
Trans. Nbr | Order number of debit number of the transaction. |
Applied to | The order number or debit number the transaction was applied to. |
Source | The system name the transaction is associated with.
Billing Org. Office | The affiliate associated with the transaction. |
Trans. Type | The type of transaction.
Installment Billing Code | Displays the Installment Billing Code Code used as a method of deferring a customer's payment of an invoice over a period of time.The invoice amount is divided among several bills, making it easier for the customer to pay--and presumably order. |
Transaction Status Description | The status of the transaction. |
Total Amt. | The amount debited/credited. |
Remaining Amt. | The amount remaining that has not been paid/credited. |
Source Reference | For subscriptions and AMB items, the publication code or item number associated with the transaction. |
Currency | The currency the order was billed in. |
Payment Code | The type of credit card used for the transaction. |
Payment Nbr | The credit card number used for the transaction. This field is masked to only display the last 4 digits. If the payment is by check, the check number will display here. |
Credit or Debit | Shows if the transaction was a debit or credit. |
Posted | Displays if the transaction has been posted. |
Debit Paid | Displays a Y if the debit is fully paid. N if not fully paid. |
Debit Sequence Number | Displays the sequences associated with installment billing. |
Due Date | The date the payment is due. This is primarily used for when payments are spread out with installment billing. |
Payment Type | The type of payment used. CC = Credit Card. CK = Check. |
Screen Size Orientation
The Invoices & Payments screen allows for uses to click and drag the screen as needed for display.