Best Practices

Best Practices

Summary / TL:DR: This article lists out the best practices and key information for working with WMC.

2 min read

  1. Test your efforts all the way through to Advantage before launching.

  2. The application works best with the Chrome browser.

  3. Agree on and use consistent naming standards

  4. Keep Lead Gen Journeys and Paid Journeys as separate journeys (for now don’t combine them into same journey). The system doesn’t prevent you from combining them; however reporting will be off since promo codes are still at the journey level.

  5. Do not start a Journey with an Email or Exit Pop.

  6. Do not start a Journey with an Upsell or Cross-sell page

  7. When setting an Effort to go live or expire, the date/time will use the WMC users' local machine's time. (not the Baltimore server time like IRIS/Opium do)

  8. Use the Code Editor in lieu of the Visual Editor (the visual editor does not have all the capabilities of the code editor built yet).

  9. Arrange columns on the Effort listings page in a way that provides best visibility for your organization.

  10. Create and store templates for re-use. Note:  use condition statements to create content for re-usability as often as possible.

  11. The following information still needs to be set up in Advantage: lists, choices, and edits to campaign codes.

  12. Set up your Billing Terms as a global snippet and include them on all order pages.

  13. New domains cannot be set up with the same name as currently used in FC, Opium, and IRIS.

  14. On the Creatives listings page the type column is showing all upsells as a type = XSellPage.  This is because Upsell and Cross-sell are one option and they can use conditional content to do both an upsell and a cross-sell on the same page.  Currently when they are created they all get labeled as XsellPage in the database.  We have a story to change this name to "Cross/Upsell" to avoid confusion. For the affiliates to be able to distinguish between upsell and cross-sell they should use tags and/or a custom field.

Wrap up

You should now have a better understanding of the best practices in WMC

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