Notes for WMC Ecomm stuff

Notes for WMC Ecomm stuff

  • Validate Order Processing

    • Identifying and Configuring Test Conditions

      • Organization Configurations

        • Do we ever touch or change these?

          • As of right now, you would not be configuring those. The product team will configure them at the time of launch or when a new feature is added. 

        • Do we need approval to do so?

          • If an affiliate requests for a configuration change, work with the product team. 

    • Validating Tax was calculated properly

      • Will need guidance on this most likely as we have never done this before

      • Could we run through examples?

        • Yes, we can definitely setup a meeting on this section. I will also be updating page to include a workflow for the different tax processes and be more specific on what you're checking. 

    • Validating that your order was sent to Kount

      • Do we have/need access to Kount? Link?

        • UAT credentials are in the wiki. I'll work on getting production. 

    • Validating your Order is in BOSS

      • We have access to BOSS db: BOSS-SQLDB-P1

      • Do we need UAT access?

        • I don't think you guys specifically need UAT, but it wouldn't hurt if you don't have it already. I would expect that support does most of their validation in production. 

      • Is this the same access for WMC or do we need something else?

        • We will use the same BOSS environment for WMC as we did for OPIUM and FC. 

      • Sam to request access

    • Activating Orders in Advantage/OSM

      • This sounds like an Advantage or CS task, should we discuss?

        • Yes, this is a task for the Advantage team. I was really just indicating that if you're working in UAT, these files are not automatically batched. So if you need to validate that the orders can be successfully captured by Advantage then you'll need to provide the advantage team with the Batch File for manual processing. 

        • What do we do with the Batch File once we have it?

          • Ask an Advantage resource to manually batch the file so they can determine if the order is successfully captured

        • What is a scenario for this?

          • As mentioned above, the orders in UAT aren't automatically processed. However, in a normal production support aspect, a scenario that could occur is that Advantage doesn't automatically batch a file for some reason. A support ticket may come in indicating that the order was never processed and you'll see it is in BOSS but was never collected for processing. You can give the batch file to advantage to process. 

        •  Are we taking over helping Advantage take orders?

          • No, this was just a step I had to do in my testing to ensure that orders were accepted and processed by Advantage and therefore I documented it. I do not expect your role in advantage support to expand. 

    • Automation Testing Scenarios

      • Do we need to do this?

        • Nope, this was just notes from a meeting I had with my internal QA automation team to determine the test cases that we need to automate so we do not have to do this manual testing every time. 

      • If so, looks like we need more info on how to set this up

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