Deliverability Dashboard

Deliverability Dashboard

Summary / TL:DR: This provides an overview of the home screen - Dashboard. All deliverability information for the domains being viewed is available on this page.


The Deliverability - Dashboard give you an overview of the deliverability metrics for the domain(s) selected.

Inbox Placement

Campaign Deliverability and Engagement

Subscriber Metrics


Complaints, Blocklists and Spam Traps


Step by step guide

Begin by selecting the domain(s) you’d like to review and the appropriate timeframe. Ensure the ISP weighting toggle is to the right so that the data will be weighted to your recipients.


Table of contents

Deliverability - Live

This is going to give you a rolled up look at the Inbox Placement for the Campaigns panelists received. As long as you have the ISP Weighting toggle on, the data will be configured to show based on your distribution of domains. It is important to note that this data is representative of the panelists you’ve sent mail to.

Inactives is a proprietary metric that tracks the overall engagement of your email audience. Inactivity is defined as a reader who once read your emails but has since stopped and is still known to be reading other’s email.

Delivery Index


Provides a single numerical number reflecting your actual inbox delivery based upon your actual subscribers are Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL. The arrow indicates the 7-day trend from the queried end date.

The score looks at the following attributes of your inbox deliver:

  • Current Inbox Rate

  • Historical moving average of inbox placement

  • Number of downward movements your deliverability has taken

  • Magnitude of swings in deliverability

ISP’s with a low number of panelists are not included in the calculation to prevent skewing the index.

Similar to a credit score, the lower your Delivery Index Score the more volatile and worse your inbox placement is at one of the four major ISPs.

10-9 Excellent

8.9-8 Average

<8 Poor

Deliverability - Overview

The Campaign Deliverability give you insight into the top ISPs handling of your email. You can view the data by sending domain or by ISP. Additionally, you’re able to see how many panelists are being used to make up the data displayed.

The Campaign Deliverability graph shows your average inbox, spam and missing placements per-day. “Missing” will only be available if you are actively using seed tests with your campaign sends. Inbox and spam placement is determined primarily using our panel of users and will be supplemented with seed data, if necessary.

Deliverability - ISP

Displays Inboxing, Spam, Missing for all campaigns rolled up. The bars represent all campaigns to Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail/Outlook and the lines represent each ISP.

Deliverability - Detailed

The sends per hour graph reports upon the time of day that senders are mailing their email campaigns to subscribers. This graph reports the total number of panelists who received mailings that were sent at the reported hours. This graph does not report receive times but sent times.

The reads per hour graph reports upon the time of day that subscribers are reading the email campaigns sent to their inbox. This graph reports the total number of panelists who read their email at the reported hours.

All times are reflected in UTC.

Recent Campaigns/Engagement

The last 10 campaigns are displayed here with a snap shot of performance including SL, Inbox % and an indication if Cloudmark issues. You can click on the small graph icon to gain insight into each ISPs inboxing. From this pop up you can download the headers of the email. You can also click on the SL to be taken to a page with the full Campaign Information.

The subscriber metrics give you the following rates: Read, Read and Deleted, and Deleted for the panelist data. You can also toggle to the Inactives ad see metrics for the last 3, 6, 12 months.

Deliverability - Outlook SNDS

SNDS can help you responsibly monitor IP deliverability and reputation at Hotmail and Outlook (hotmail.com, outlook.com, msn.com, live.com). It provides insights into:

  • The number of messages which were attempted to be delivered

  • The number of recipients which actually received the message

  • A look into how the Microsoft spam filters handled the messages

  • Complaint rates

  • And even sample headers and messages which caused high complaint rates

SNDS configuration provides you with an additional datapoint in understanding how your daily sends and volume affects your IP reputation. The Outlook filters use the following rating system to reflect your performance:


For example, if you notice low deliverability rates to Outlook within Inbox Tracker, you should first check how much panel coverage the campaign(s) have. From there, SNDS can be used as a confirmation of whether a send was or was not well received.

SNDS configuration also unlocks two additional metrics within the platform: The number of Outlook spam complaints (Dashboard) and SNDS trap hits (Spam Trap Monitor). Insight into SNDS trap hits can be found under Deliverability - Spam Trap Monitor.

Blocklists Status

Any active blocklists will be displayed here. To learn more about which blocklists are being monitored click here: Blocklist Sources

Alerts are available to be set up to notify you when blocklistings occur.

Trap Status

Spam Trap Monitor was developed to provide actionable insights to help you and your team evaluate trap hits. The first thing you will notice when you start using our platform is the focus on trap types and sources.

The Trap Status section, displays the raw number of traps hit by type so you can monitor trends for all the domains on your profile.

If you want to see trap counts for each domain separately, you can review that data on the Trap Hits - By Domain section (above). Hovering over a specific day, allows you to see how many traps were hit and how many of those hits came for suspicious (non-likely) IPs. We provide this data since spam trap hits from non-likely IPs may be evidence of spoof attempts against your sending domain. If you want more info for a particular day, simply click on the trap icon for the day you are interested in and we will take you to our Spam Trap Monitor page in for a closer look. (Note: All times reported within Spam Trap Monitor are based on UTC)



Wrap up

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