ADV User Guides Understanding Book Club Choices
Summary / TL:DR: This article is a reference to help you understand book club choices in Advantage.
Book Club Choices defines all of the Auto Delivery rules needed to automatically fulfill products.
Timing between billing charges is not to exceed 1 year between charges. This includes, but is not limited automatic renewal or installments. For example, if offering a 2 year option for a subscription or agreement, this option cannot be offered with a renewal flag of ‘C’ on automatic renew as the timing of between charges would be over 1 year.
Details Tab
Club Code* | Defines the organization the product belongs to. |
Product Class* | Defines the product. |
Product Series Step | Typically, a single series is setup to control the frequency, quantity, and pricing directly from the choice. Class and series are generally set up as a 1:1 with an item, however this field allows for setups with different shipping frequencies/quantities over a single item, not common. |
Shipment Frequency* | Defines how often the product will be shipped. |
Item Choice Price Maintenance
Next Book Club Price* | Defines the unit price the customer will be charged for their next shipment. |
BCL Requested Ship Via* | Defines how the next product will ship. |
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding of book club choices in Advantage.
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