Creating a New Effort
Summary / TL:DR: This article will teach you how to create a new effort in WMC.
How to Create a New Effort in WMC
Select Create and select Effort
Define a name of the effort. This field is required and is extremely important to have a clear and consistent naming convention.
Add the date this effort is going live
Add the time if you know the time this effort is going out
Define the effort destination
Internal | Our company owns the outlet. This is your affiliates list or website. |
Agora | Another Agora company owns the outlet. This is another Agora affiliates list or website. |
Non-Agora | A company outside of Agora owns the outlet. This is a 3rd party list or website |
6. Where Is the marketing going? (aka List) – Here define the media outlet for this effort. This is who is hosting the promotion, for instance, for a dedicated promotion to your eletter you would enter the name of your eletter here.
Note - List must be added under Media Outlets prior to selecting here.
7. What are you promoting? (aka Item)– Here define what is being sold or advertised through this promotion
Note - Item must be added under Media Outlets prior to selecting here.
8. Effort Type – Select the type of promotion you are creating
9. Acquisition Method – this is a required field for the promotion code to be created. Here you will define how you acquired the customer UI and UX are common acquisition methods.
10. Media Channel – This will define the first letter of the promotion code. For Lead Gen this should always be X
11. Share effort with another affiliate – if you selected the effort destination of Agora, this will allow you to share this effort with another Agora company
12. Domain - Identify the appropriate domain. Select the domain from the list of available domains
13. Custom Journey – Define what the customer journey will be here. You can select a specific journey or select test. This will depend on what you want the customer to see.
14. Advantage Campaign Code – a default campaign code is selected here but you can change the default if the promo code should be bucketed under a different campaign code. To search for a campaign code, type in the first 4 characters of the campaign code you want to use. A list of valid values will populate.
15. Advantage Promotion Description – this will populate the promotion description and can be edited as necessary
16. Spend Revenue Allocation:
I didn’t pay anything for the marketing | No cost is associated with this effort. |
I’m paying a flat rate | Enter the amount spent for this promotion in the amount spent field. |
CPA | Cost per acquisition – enter the amount spent per lead in the amount spent field. |
CPM | Cost per 1000 views – enter the amount spent per 1000 vires in the amount spent field. |
I’m splitting the revenue with someone | Enter the shared information in the fields that are added for your affiliate and the partner. |
17. Host Department 1 & % - if you are doing a rev share, you’ll need to enter the accounting code for the affiliate and list here along with the percentage that should be paid out.
18. Query Parameters can be added to the effort level to append the link generated for this effort. Query parameters can be stored ahead and applied to efforts or added on the fly
19. Add tags as necessary
20. Click Generate Promo Code in the top right hand corner of the screen.
21. Once the promo code is generated, you’ll see the Effort Link at the bottom of the screen
22. Select Save
23. Your effort is now saved and you can view your results on the effort listing screen but selecting the back arrow
Wrap up
You should now know how to create a new effort in WMC.
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