Change a Session

Change a Session

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for changing a session on a conference in Advantage.

These instructions require you to have a control group open. For more on control groups, go here.

How to Change Additional Sessions on a Conference Order 

  1. From the Customer Service ribbon navigate to Customer Activity

  2. Enter the customer number of the customer you would like to change additional sessions for

  3. Highlight the order that you would like to change a session for. 

  4. Click the Selected Sessions tab.

  5. Click Change Session

  6. The Attendee Session Selection dialog box will appear, complete the following fields:

Price Code

Select the price code from the drop-down menu.


  1. CHECK the Override Cost Box

  2. ENTER the new price

  3. Select an Override Reason from the dropdown box

  4. Hit Enter

  5. Click OK

8. Click OK

9. Click the Invoices tab

10. Highlight the order that was just entered

11. Click Add/Edit Payment

12. Click Cancel

13. Enter the payment information 

14. Click OK

Please note: if the price was reduced due to changing the session, the customer will automatically be refunded.

15. Repeat the above steps to add additional sessions. 

16. You have successfully adjusted a session for a conference order.

Wrap up

You should now be able to change a session on a conference in Advantage.

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