Summary / TL:DR: This documentation covers two methods of building campaigns that are intended for IP warming.
This warming schedule kicks off with 200 messages. Volume is then doubled after each day while excluding users who previously received a campaign with a message limit. After increasing the volume over several days the full segment size will be reached and the IP is considered warmed, as long as deliverability is in good standing.
Campaign settings for Day 1 Warmup Send:
This setting should be applied to the first campaign that will be used to warmup the new adapter. This campaign will use the main segment that contains 75k customers but and because “Limit number of message(s) for this campaign to” is set to 200, the campaign will only send to 200 customers.
Main segment:
In order to message the remaining users, a new campaign and segment need to be created that excludes those 200 customers who were sent the initial warmup campaign.
The remaining users from the main segment still have to get messaged so another campaign and segment need to be created that excludes those 200 customers who were sent the initial warmup campaign.
Segment that excludes EXCLUDES customers who received warmup campaign:
The day 2 warmup volume then doubles to 400. You would use the same exclusion segment from above and add a messaging limit of 400 at the campaign level. This way you are only sending warmup campaigns to customers who did not previously receive one. To send to the remaining customers from the segment another campaign and segment need to be created that suppresses the day 2 warmup campaign.
Segment that EXCLUDES customers who received the second warmup campaign:
This process should be repeated for the subsequent warmup days until the total volume of 75k is reached.