Visa: Calculated by all of Agora
At least 100 chargebacks and a chargebacks-to-sales ratio of .9%
Compares prior month’s chargebacks to prior month’s gross sales
MasterCard: Calculated by MID
At least 100 chargebacks and a chargebacks-to-sales ratio of 1.5%
Compares current month’s chargebacks to prior month’s gross sales
Amex: Calculated by MID
A chargebacks-to-sales ratio of 1% (no minimum count threshold)
Compares prior month’s net chargebacks to 2 month prior net sales
Discover: Calculated by MID
At least 100 chargebacks and a chargebacks-to-sales ratio of 1%
Compares $25 per chargeback per month on each chargeback in excess of the chargeback ration of 1% of number of chargebacks, over, net transactions during the previous month.