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EPP has the ability to update/add descriptors in Advantage. More often, EPP will often get these requests as part of a new pub or name change ticket in Jira. When it comes to descriptors, there are a few important things to remember: 

  • A descriptor has a max of 20 characters, including spaces. Anything longer than that will be cut off from the customer’s bank statement. 

  • For Visa statements, there is a prefix, PSV*, which will appear before all domestic descriptors. This will take away 4 characters from the descriptor itself. Often times, EPP will recommend a descriptor to be only 16 characters to take this into account. 

  • Only certain characters are accepted as part of descriptors- these are listed below: 

  • Numbers 

  • Letters 

  • Special Characters as follows: Ampersand; Asterix (in relation to the prefix, not anywhere else); Comma, Dash, Period, Pound sign. 

  • Example: Title- Next Wave Crypto Fortunes; Descriptor- PSV*CryptoFortunes/ CryptoFortunes 

Since descriptors are also used for fraud and chargeback prevention tools, any time a descriptor is changed, EPP needs to be made aware, so the other systems can be updated as well. It is up to EPP, as the relationship manager, to have these descriptors updated for Verifi and Ethoca (Chargeback prevention tools) as well as Kount (Fraud tool).