Summary / TL:DR: This article will introduce you to Premium Fulfillment Confirmation Emails in Blueshift.
Send a premium confirmation email through Blueshift to a customer after a successful renewal.
When a customer successfully renews
When a customer's credit card is about to expire and are set to auto-renew in an AMB item after the expire date, the card and order information are sent to Decisions. The Decisions workflow captures the update and generates an event to inform Blueshift about this. This event then triggers a campaign in Blueshift.
Blueshift Event Name
Event Payload Parameters
Parameters | Description |
Sample Payload
Code Block |
{ "bill_to_address_street1": "address", "site": "14west. us", "order_total": "0.00", "customer_suffix": "", "line_item": [ { "city": "XGHAJRA", "country": "MALTA", "item_description": null, "item_number": "120SVPLIT", "item_system_name": null, "item_warehouse_number": null, "post_code": "XJR 1312", "promotion_choice": "PLIT79", "promotion_code": "W120W1XC", "quantity_back_ordered": 0, "quantity_claim": "0", "quantity_ordered": 0, "quantity_returned": 0, "quantity_shipped": 1, "state": "", "street1": "some address 1", "street2": "ome address 2", "subscription_reference": "?", "unit_price": "0.00" } ], "product_tracking": "", "customer_title": "", "bill_to_address_postalcode": "XJR 1312", "tax_amount": "0.00", "cc_order_number": "JC000002", "bill_to_address_company": "", "_bsft_event_timestamp": "2022-02-11T15:08:18Z", "phone_number2": "", "customer_lastname": "Cooney", "order_source": "", "owning_org": "000", "bill_to_address_city": "XGHAJRA", "address_flag": "0", "timestamp_epoch": 1644592098, "timestamp": "2022-02-11T15:08:18Z", "bill_to_address_flag": "0", "order_total_less_tax": "0.00", "phone_number": "356 1234 1234", "customer_firstname": "Jason", "event": "premium_fulfillment_confirmation", "bill_to_address_street2": "", "_bsft_ts": "2022-02-11T15:08:18.280Z", "tax_percentage": "0.00", "address_code": "ADDR-01", "cc_order_date": "2021-09-10T04:00:00Z", "billing_currency": "US$", "bill_to_address_country": "MALTA", "customer_middlename": "", "event_uuid": "71b1e900-8b4c-11ec-bd10-0242ac110005", "email": "", "device_id": null, "_bsft_transaction_uuid": "e70c68ca-524a-41a0-8ca3-eac77f59e748", "account_uuid": "1737ae67-d9f2-4e2b-a64c-eb793731a8ea", "control_group": "IGANAS", "bill_to_address_code": "ADDR-01", "bill_to_address_state": "", "advantage_customer_number": "000068200053", "line_items": [ "120SVPLIT" ] } |